
Triceps Dumbbell Exercises

Take a pair of dumbbells and lie on a bench inclined. Extend the arms forward and tip it back a little. The palms should be facing each other (A).

This is the starting position. Without moving your arms, bend your elbows lowering the dumbbells towards the head (B), and return it to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each. To understand why this exercise is better than others, imagine that the triceps are like leagues and are trying to throw at the head of a teammate. The more you stretch the leagues before releasing them, they will be faster and farther and hit harder.

When working the triceps in the tilted position, you are forcing them to stretch more than usual before the contract. Besides getting to be more effort to lift the weight. Doing so will be helping to gain muscle mass.

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