
Bodybuilding - because those in bodybuilding should avoid fructose in the post-workout Meal

If you're in the bodybuilding world for a couple of months, you should already know that your post-workout meal is really the time to optimize the structure of muscle to your body more sensitive to this point, taking the nutrients that have been to feed him, and muscle cells. What many of them in bodybuilding, I do not know, however, is that the fruit is not really the ideal food to consume during this time.


TheFruit composition

We all know that fruit is healthy for us - which is something that has been said over and over again by both parents while growing up and all the "Guide for a healthy diet" that are available. In addition to those who are seriously on a strict diet low in carbohydrates are, many people try to optimize at least one piece of fruit in their time, their healthy diet.

This is great, because the fruit is definitely a healthy diet, has a good dose ofFiber is relatively low in calories, most are loaded with vitamin C, and contain many other nutrients as well.
What some people do not know, however, is that half of the carbohydrates found in fruit fructose.

The route of fructose

If you fructose by the food we eat, consume, is digested before and after the liver where it is directly stored as liver glycogen. This is very different than when you go to muscleMuscle and is stored as glycogen, because the body will not be with these liver glycogen for fuel - at least not nearly as much muscle as glycogen.

Thus, eating large amounts of fructose in the diet are effectively short circuit the same potential energy during your diet, as well as a decrease in the amount of fuel that your muscles, build new tissue with and you will see a good increase in weight .

Applied to post-training during the periodbodybuilding

Thus, viewed from a perspective of bodybuilding, if your post-workout meal, what is your main goal to consume?

E 'shuttle, as many carbohydrates in muscle cells, as you can possibly manage, so they can then this energy to build new tissue and make more.

If you used some carbohydrates such as fructose, happened? Probably not. Of course, you will receive in any case, still a little 'muscle glycogenResynthesis occurring, but are not maximized.

Do not want to build muscles as much as possible?

I thought so.

So if you eat fruit as part of the post-workout meal to rethink them. Certainly not the fruit slices - for it is very healthy and should eat, but do yourself a favor and move it instead to another part of the day.

Your muscles will thank you.

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