
Training program for body-building for a MMA fighter?

Question: I am an aspiring MMA fighter. Currently train Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing for a total of three or four times a week. My question is regarding the lifting / cardio weight. I want to make sure my training is appropriate for my goals. Here is a breakdown of what I'm doing now. It is this look good?

Day 1:
1 hour before cardio (chest and triceps: Train)
Flat dumbbell bench press 3 x 14-20
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 14-20
Decline Press 3 x 14-20
CablesFly 3 x 14-20 (Dips 3 x 14-20
Pushdown automaton Cable 3 x 14-20
A pushdown automaton pronation of the arm 3 x 14-20

Day 2:
1 hour of cardio 2 hours before I train
Shoulders and abdomen
(Smith Military Press 4 / 5 x 10-12
Lateral Raise 4 / 5 x 10-12 (front and put 4 / 5 x 10-12
Shrug of the shoulders 4 / 5 x 10-12

Day 3:
In the heart of Day 1
Back and biceps
(Lat Pull-down 4 / 5 8-12
Row 4 x 8-12
Top row Cables 4 x 8-12
Back Extension 4 x 12-20
Curl 4 x6-10
Dumbbell curl 4 x 4-8
Seats curl 4 x 8-10
Cable curl 4 x 8-12

Day 4:
1 hours cardio

Day 5:
Routine breast same Monday

Day 6:
Legs (
45-degree leg press 4 x 8-12
Leg Extension 4 x 8-12 (Leg Curl 4 8-12)
Calf raises 4 x 8-15

Answer: This is a typical program of construction of the body style and is not very useful for an aspiring MMA fighter, no sports topic, or any other sport for that matter. Here are some problems with your currentProgram:

1) You are training too often. No need to be stronger, while lifting weights, but the recycling process should be. Based on the program just a day of rest and as far as I know, you still do, jiu-jitsu and kickboxing that day, because you do not specify which day.

2) You do set too many for each muscle group. On day 1 alone, there are only 12 sets for chest. That is far too much. It should be kept to a minimum tosolicit the desired training adaptation. Even more, and you're just cutting your energy reserve which could be used for recovery.

Be selected 3) Some of the exercises to press a bad choice (leg extension, Smith Machine, increase forward, flyes cable, etc.) or superfluous. For example, all the exercises of the elbow flexors (biceps exercises) are equipped with a supinated grip, and once again you need is not 16 to do the job.

4) The quality of strength needed for MMA or combat sportsare: the relative strength, explosiveness, strength and endurance. (Functional hypertrophy may also be included if your body fat percentage is very low and you already have in your weight class.) Most of your repeated lie, for strength and endurance. There is no work for the other two elements of strength performed.

5) Are the implementation of judgments, where it should be the attitude of large groups of muscle antagonists. In this way you can do more in less given unit of time andwill ensure that your body is balanced on both sides of the joints, so that they are structurally sound.

An example of a set of sentences is a barbell bench press, rest, and a new set of barbell bench presses. An example of a great attitude antagonistic muscle groups are in a set of barbell bench, resting the desired amount of time based on your goals, and then sit a number of cable lines.

6) The cardio workout you've done for too longand close to your workouts with weights. stop making the heart to lift weights and do aerobic traditional steady-state heart. You should always effective enough air conditioning during the training in your sport. If not, you should take your time intervals of rest between shifts and ensure that they are progressive. If you can not have, your coach do it for you.

Since there is no low season for sports and training is in three to four timesWeeks, have over time, so as not to over train, so eager is the exercise that gives you the return on investment. I would also only weight train two or three times a week. I can not promise that are not yet on the train, as I have) is not sufficient information in the form of the diet (that is to say, but is certainly less of a chance of what you're doing.

Here are some choices are easier to appreciate. Choose one exercise for each group:

Incline bench press dumbbells, palms facing each other
Parallel-bar dips (close-grip barbell bench press, shoulder width grip
Barbell or Dumbbell floor press (standing barbell press

Upper Body Pulling Exercises:
Parallel grip chin-ups
Shoulder-width supinated chin-ups (pronated grip wide grip chin-ups)
Incline dumbbell rows (one-arm dumbbell row)
Rope pulls face (parallel grip seated rows)

Exercises leg, hip and knee dominant:
Back squats (frontSquat)
Deadlifts, clean grip, sumo or rip-grip
Romanian dead lifts
Power cleans
Split Squats
Lunges, and the acceleration of deceleration

Support / Gymnastics:
Family of the elbow flexors (biceps)
(Family elbow extended (triceps)
(External Rotator Family
(Family Vitelli (
Abdominal Family

Here is a three-day test routine should take no more than an hour. (Listed are, have, set x reps, tempo and rest intervals):

Day 1
(A.Power Cleans: 4 x 3-5 x 11X0 x 240 seconds of rest
B1. Standing Barbell Press: 4 x 3-5 x 20x0 x 120 seconds of rest
B2. Parallel grip chin-ups: 4 x 3-5 x 3010 x 120 seconds of rest
C1. Lying dumbbell decline triceps extension: 3 x 6-8 x 3010 x 90 seconds of rest
C2. Seats zottman Curls: 3 x 6-8 x 3010 x 90 seconds of rest

Day 2
(A. Clean-Grip dead: ski lift 3 x 6-8 x 2110 x 180 seconds of rest
B1. Dumbbell floor press: 3 x 6-8 x 31X0 x 90 seconds of rest
B2. One arm dumbbell row: 3 x 6-8 x 3110x 90 seconds of rest
C1. Powell increase Incline: 3 x 10-12 x 60 seconds of rest
C2. Incline increase Garhammer: 3 x 10-12 x 3020 x 60 seconds of rest

Day 3
(A. Telemark squat: 3 x 12-15 x 2010 x 75 seconds of rest
B1. Parallel Dip: 3 x AMRAP (as number of repetitions) w / body weight x 2010 x 60 seconds of rest
B2. Pronated grip seated cable rows: 3 x 12-15 x 2011 x 60 seconds of rest
C1. Seated dumbbell external rotation, elbow on knee: 3 x 10-12 x 3010 x 60 seconds of rest (C2.) Seated Calf: Increase of 3 x 15-20 x 2210 x 60 seconds of rest

Take a day of rest between workouts.

Once every four to six sessions of training, you should change all the parameters of work: sets, reps, tempo, rest interval, and the exercise of choice.

Remember that this is just an example of a program and there are so many great exercises you can do to help, even to a weight lifting program for you to be more precise, I would evaluate you and structural balancemore detailed information.


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